JGJJJ-038.wmv 金剛經講記 038, 淨空法師, 1995, 新加坡居士林 - 佛學多媒體資料庫

佛學多媒體資料庫 > 佛學講座 > 佛學講座-影音檔 > 淨空法師 > 金剛經講記 > JGJJJ-038.wmv


檔案名稱JGJJJ-038.wmv檔案大小152,128 KB
BitRateCBR 175 Kbps解析度320 X 240 
提 供 者無名氏日  期2005/6/19
佛陀教育基金會 下載次數758
檔案說明金剛經講記 038, 淨空法師, 1995, 新加坡居士林
    The paragon of unrndstaeding these issues is right here!
    2016/4/22 from ip:



I am thankful for my Jessie 2016/4/22
I am thankful for my family who has helped me out this stressful year becoming a single mom of 2 boys who I am the most thankful for they are 5 and 4 and constantly on the go the make a saint swear the are mean and hurtful but just when I wonder if it is worth it they come cheer me up and show me compleate and unltosuienabqe love and remind me that its the little and good and bad things to be thankful for as well because we cannot really enjoy the good unless we experience the bad

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