檔案名稱 | Bali11 Four Dhamma Summaries (p 39).mp3 | 檔案大小 | 1,414 KB |
MD5 | e29b98096f8ac81ebb99a79dfb2e42f6 | 時間長度 | 45秒 |
BitRate | CBR 256 Kbps | 解析度 | X |
提 供 者 | ryan | 日 期 | 2010/11/14 |
來源出處 (發行單位) | 美國慈林寺 http://www.dhammatalks.org/Dhamma/Chanting/ChantIndex.htm | 下載次數 | 3947 |
檔案說明 | Four Dhamma Summaries 四法要義 | ||
推薦人次 | +9
2012/1/3 from ip: wNEs1x waizoxyvqiyk 2012/1/3 from ip: Well, this is so nice to think about leaving comment here. | Caverta | | Silagra | 2013/5/8 from ip: 睡眠 2021/3/7 from ip: 往生者 2024/7/30 from ip: |
nkbdOMZsbkSW Gump 2012/1/5 Free info like this is an apple from the tree of knwoledge. Sinful? 回覆 from ip: DtfMkZVTO Margie 2012/1/3 It's imeprtaive that more people make this exact point. 回覆 from ip: |