lhmbdtdzy_02.mpg 佛說長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經, 如何彌補墮胎罪業(下)VCD版, 因果世界佛教會 - 佛學多媒體資料庫

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檔案名稱lhmbdtdzy_02.mpg檔案大小441,937 KB
BitRateCBR 1382 Kbps解析度352 X 288 
提 供 者子興日  期2010/11/14
檔案說明佛說長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經, 如何彌補墮胎罪業(下)VCD版, 因果世界佛教會
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  • Re: jyyCZVvGU Destry 2012/1/3
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  • Re: jyyCZVvGU Lesley 2013/4/1
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  • Re: jyyCZVvGU Rani 2013/4/2
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  • Nathan:I’d say Victory 2016/5/14
    Nathan:I’d say that the reason the conversation privileges atheism is because the lessons of poststructuralism have gone only half of the way. Nothing is privileged–but somehow atheism or agnosticism gets named as the default option, which means it needs no privileging.This is where the ID folks are reasonable in claiming that #02science&28281; is itself a belief system.

    回覆  from ip: 

  • Yo, that's what's up Rumor 2016/10/28
    Yo, that's what's up trfyuuhllt.

    回覆  from ip: 

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